Jun 28Liked by Francis Turner

If this administration's motto was to "Make America Ridiculous" After last night, they can confidently unfurl the Mission Accomplished banner

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I am of the belief that T will in some way be disallowed to reenter the White House. I believe it is more likely than not that he’ll be sentenced to prison in NYC over the internal business records convictions. As a last resort, they’ll just straight up kill him. To me, it is only a question of if they will even bother to try to cover up their involvement.

One thing we have learned these past few years is that the entirety of the federal government and many states are wholly corrupted. If T is allowed to regain the presidency, a hell of a lot of powerful people are at risk of spending that rest of their lives making little rocks out of big rocks. OR, be beholden to the one human they personally hate more than any and all others combined to stay out of prison. They’ll kill him first.

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I think you are correct on a lot of the deviant psychology.

I have two points of difference. One is that I, as careful analytical choice, do not know that they will succeed.

Two, in my view, the most important reason to get Trump back into the oval office alive is that so he can credibly disprove the hypothesis that he constitutionally and lawfully authorized the second civil war, the civil war to remove the criminal conspiracy, on January sixth. That path gives a number of people the opportunity to surprise us, and is our best hope to resolve things peacefully, and then to entirely peacefully hang a bunch of people.

Them murdering Trump would simply be evidence confirming that they are bad, confirming the work of political reform that needs to be done, and confirming that civil war may be the only licit remedy.

Okay, you and I already knew that they are bad people.

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I think it is later than that, that we are beyond that. They are tired of hiding and can not wait to have the power to do whatever they want without having to Carew what we think.

We saw some of that the last election. T was ahead in certain percents and the stopped reporting for a few hours, then suddenly, in the early morning hours, after the polls had closed a statistically impossible amount of votes for B are added and B takes the state. Poll workers physically blocking poll watchers from their constitutionally required duties. A false alarm over a water pipe bursting in Georgia that sent poll watchers home but not poll workers who are seen pulling boxes (suit cases?) from under tables once the poll watchers are gone. Trucks arriving outside polling places early AM to offload parcels that were taken inside the polling places long after the polls were closed. There are videos of these last three. This points to them knowing they need not even go to great lengths to hide their illicit activities. That fact that none have been prosecuted over these proves that they are correct.

Then we have the illegal changes to election procedures that they blamed on the “unprecedented danger to humanity” that covid presented to allow for mail in balloting and ballot drop off points.

Lawsuits against irregularities have been dismissed and in some cases, charges files against those who filed them.

None, not one of these and who knows how many more issues have been fixed. They’ll do it again, but with even more confidence that they’ll get away with it. They have shown what happens to those who voice their opposition; nonviolent “trespasses” in the Capitol on Jan. 6th still in solitary confinement awaiting trial dates for longer than the maximum sentence would allow for the crimes they are charged with. Some who were not even there receiving long sentences. Then we have the lawfare against T himself and most every one close to him including lawyers who have tried to stop the steal.

We allowed all this. Why would they not do it again? They know that for all our talk, we are not likely to do what is necessary to stop them.

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"If T is allowed to regain the presidency, a hell of a lot of powerful people are at risk of spending that rest of their lives making little rocks out of big rocks. "

I see this a lot. I even wish it were true. But what evidence is there that the same slow-walking, backstabbing, failure to do their jobs, DOJ/FBI/<etc> will actually do the work under T to make this happen? They may fear it, and expect it, because that's what they would/are doing, I just doubt the ability to actually accomplish it

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That is a good point. But, does it have to be the FBI? Why not the U.S. Marshals? State DAs? Secret service?

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My usual jokes continue to include that I haven't seen any reason to think that Biden is not effectively more intelligent and better educated than Obama. (Zero is more positive than the negative set. CRT is also a delusional race war cult.)

The basic scenario is not 'and they expected this, and have a cunning plan.'

These people have a blindly religious faith that behavioral theory can ever be a perfect forecasting tool. They also effectively believe that peace and civilization are just a word magic conspiracy, and one that they can out conspire.

We had already seen that at several steps, they did a thing in the delusion that their manipulation skills, and their forecasts would inevitably result in the win they expect, and then they immediately and unnecessarily step on a rake.

In the first place, they were very much thinking that putting a hopping corpse into the oval office was somehow going to be useful for them, and not eventually become an embarrassing disaster.

Not being so blatant on the fraud, and just letting Trump into the whitehouse in 2020, seems like it would have spent less for a better result for them than /this./ The only way that choice is rational is if they knew that the influence to pull what they've pulled off was tissue thin, and could not withstand another term without official executive power.

Don't get cocky, they can still do a lot of damage. However, it does look like the regime may be failing.

The regime's position is that it can use advanced weapons systems against domestic targets. This public event /might/ prevent the people with the technical skill to operate those from being willing to go to prison for the sake of this cause.

We shall see.

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If Joe does not step aside now, he may have to wake up dead before the Dem convention. Easy peasy since he already looks like he has 1 foot in the grave any way. I think the real shadow Dem powers are very capable of getting it done. If he makes it to September I will be somewhat surprised.

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