Unless you happen to be Russian or Ukrainian, the important war in Ukraine is between globalists and nationalists.

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Unless you happen to be Russian or Ukrainian, the important war in Ukraine is between globalists and nationalists.

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Ukrainian nationalists I get, but why are the Russians globalists?

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The Russians are the nationalists.

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Interesting, so the Ukrainian nationalists are not nationalists and the Russian soldiers being forcibly drafted to invade a different nation are nationalists. Are you sure you got that one right?

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Thanks for the good review. And remember, nothing says I'm protecting the Russians in Donbas like parachuting special forces into Kiev. That's when I knew we needed to support Ukraine, but I must admit we need more CPAs on the ground.

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The more I see of all this.. the more I am reminded of the Thirty Years War, which arguably was (relative to population sizes) the bloodiest proxy war in history.


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Excellent analysis, which articulates my positions quite well. Tho, on Ukraine, I’d urge only goods as US aid, especially ammo and parts for UKR weapon makers—NOT cash. The war is making them less corrupt, per aid dollar %, but with more aid dollars slushing around, more $ corruption. The US pentagon has many corruption/ missing $ issues.

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