Excellent piece. I hope you are correct but fear you are not. We are talking about people who masked against a virus, who not only believed Fauci and all the rest when they told us all that once we got the initial shot regimen, that we were done, the viruses has nowhere to go, but also used those lies against we refuseniks only to run out and get boosters as soon as they were available. True, fewer and fewer are getting the most recent version of boosters, but I think that is more do to it having become troublesome rather than an understanding that they aren’t cutting the mustard.

I hope I am wrong.

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I hope you are too. I think the vax is part of the trust issue in fact. People have been primed for skepticism thanks to the vax failures which are becoming ever more apparent. Now they just saw the Potato stumble through and they can see people in real time saying you didn't see that. So now it's like "they lied about Biden, and looks like they lied about the vax and the masking etc. so we're done."

That's in the US. Dunno about Japan but I don't know anyone who got a booster recently or in fact since 2022

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There are places in the US that are brining back the mask mandate and other elements of the failed covid response, so I am thinking you are giving my fellow Americans more credit than they have earned. Just read a warning that covid and avian flu are expected to hit hard again during the summer. I expect blue and purple states to go full on panic again and the red states to ignore the hype.

In Japan, well masking is still here. I’d say around only 15% of those on the street are still wearing them but almost all who serve the public are still wearing them. Went tho the city library this afternoon. All employees were masked. Stopped by two grocery stores I have not been to in a while. One of the two cashiers at one was masked and gloved, the other had neither of these but both were behind plexiglass barriers. All cashiers at the second grocery store, all cashiers and stock personnel were masked and the cashiers were behind plastic shower curtains. I do not know if most of the mad maskers think masks work or have just accepted them as customary not knowing the health risks.

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If you're right or wrong the Serenity Prayer is still there and can be read, interpreted as a matter of faith or simply extremely practical advice.:

God grant me the serenity

to accept the things I cannot change;

courage to change the things I can;

and wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time;

Enjoying one moment at a time;

Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;...

Building on that, particularly the things I can change -or continue, develop, practice are; self sufficiency, alternative communication, trade, etc. networks, store knowledge, paper and digital, broaden skill sets, ...

-in other words if as Robert Heinlein noted; “A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.” , no matter what comes, you and yours, me and mine, just might be able to deal with it.

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Jul 1·edited Jul 1

Our system of government is designed to have the opposition Party prevent a person like Biden. The Republican Party gave this guy Billions to fight wars and supported most of his agenda. The Democrats fought Trump on every issue and impeached him twice. It was the Republicans who betrayed the country and our representative system of government. They knew their base and the Conservative media would never leave the plantation. They were obviously right. Throw them ALL out! Biden is an indictment of our entire system. This is a chance to galvanize the American people under a common cause. Will the Conservative media use this opportunity to do the right thing or will they continue on their cynical quest for power?

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Jul 1Liked by Francis Turner

"What did you know and when did you know it about Joe Biden's mental state?"

They all need to answer.

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