Excellent essay.

I've long contended that this is an age of mass psychosis and that future generations, if there are such, will look back on this as The Stark (Raving mad, Bat S___ crazy, howling at the moon lunacy) Ages.

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I would usually make an argument about American usage, 'republic', and 'democracy', but it feels not relevant.

'democracy has failed' is basically a claim of someone for whom 'democracy' or a 'republic' always had strictly utilitarian value. They liked the policies, or they liked manipulating it into power.

Strictly speaking, theory describes the past, and the categories we label may not always be as absolute as we pretend. Types of government come from aggregating distinct situations, and for a given time, place and population, the trades between several may be pretty close. How angry persons are, how readily violent, and how able and willing they are to resolve disputes may be a bit relevant.

In a republic, or democracy, an army distributes political or government power among its soldiers. This is the pragmatic incentive, with no idealism. It assumes that the men of the population are also an army in control of the territory. The pragmatic virtue is that the result is probably not something that they would fight and die to stop, but see civil wars.

This is not something that extends to an international consensus among 'experts'. Different cultures pretty much cannot form the societal deals so perfectly that they could build a single functioning army. That democracy could serve the internationalist end was only plausible so long as the ensuing disputes and anger were not strong. The 'sustainable' policy was never truly sustainable, because it sought to inflict cost without compensation, and without any real grasp of what the food supply requires, nor that people will want to eat.

The other aspect of internationalism and democracy, is whether democracy at all exists where the population neither has enough arms and willingness to use, nor a very strong conviction of the ideals of democracy. Certainly, ideals are not uniform across the planet, so we should not expect uniform behavior.

Re: current problems.

I think there are answers, and some of them may even be really good.

We shall see about the results that these performers claim to be able to cause. They claimed, for example, that four years of Biden would be enough results for the emotional weight that they put on that goal.

In the US, the case of a clear easy Trump win, and senior bureaucrats attempting resistance, could be surprising. We do not entirely know how many of the people inside the US civil service really hated Biden's policies, or simply are eager to act on personal grudges. Dunno, we may see.

Future events are potentially very interesting, but also potentially something it would be healthier for me to ignore in favor of other interesting things.

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“This is not something that extends to an international consensus among 'experts'. Different cultures pretty much cannot form the societal deals so perfectly that they could build a single functioning army. “

Until Covid. It is the universal, except Sweden, embrace of the exact same policies, differing only in timing and severity, by all governments worldwide despite their different histories and cultures. This has never been seen in human history, thus I am firmly of the belief that all countries are at least cooperating on all things Covid.

We know enough on how the bureaucracy of the U.S. thinks through their actions. We know that the IRS sat on applications for tax free status of the rival parties of the Obama admin. And that the person who ordered it not only escaped punishment, she was given a bonus of $300,000. Up until that was reported, I had no idea that civil servants could even receive bonuses. But I digress. Sara Palin and those close to her suddenly were the subjects of audits be various Fed agencies. So too was Dr. Benny Carson after he made statements embarrassing the Obama admin at a Washington D. C. Prayer breakfast with Obama present. In recent weeks, a doctor and a nurse who have blown the whistle on continuing sex change “treatments” of minors have been suddenly visited by the FBI, with the doctor being formally charged. Then we have the several serving time or sentenced to serve time for contempt of Congress. What is the party affiliation of all of these, or more precisely, who did the work for? Meanwhile, Eric Holder, Obama’s Attorney General served no time when he committed the same crime. How many of Epstein’s client’s have even been named, not to mention, arrested?

These are just the incidents that are at the forefront of my mind, there are others, too many to recount here. We know the mind of the bureaucrats.

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History tells us that the people will not act until circling the drain.

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Which is what worries me a lot.

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