When the ancien regime emiserates the people, violence and revolution sometimes erupt. Many people are fed up with the corruption and failure of governments around the world. This might be the start of something.

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I would like to see Justice done.

For example: If Fauci were made to keep a face screen on while enduring flesh-eating parasites as he did to those beagle puppies. And then be forced to take the shots he forced on so many people. And boosters. He might as well also undergo the horrible and ineffective AIDS treatment he foisted on so many gay men during the AIDS crisis. Then if he’s still alive and still has a face, he is welcome to live out his life.

Also, he should give all his ill-gotten gains to the bereaved families of his dead victims and the injured survivors.

I am uncomfortable with the assassination of anyone before some sort of due process is undergone, but I can understand people’s frustration when Justice doesn’t seem to ever be served. Perhaps a secret group will form a new Star Chamber and mete out Justice. Maybe they already have…

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So I have issues with the professional managerial class, largely because I am one. I dislike the way many recipe theory, and I dislike that many do not respect that the customer can simply not do business with them.

I do not care about immiseration/'income inequality'/screwing people on fees when it comes to this killing. That stuff was baked into the PPACA, and not necessarily implicating this dude in any way.

I do care about lockdown and vaccination stuff. The CEO of the UK branch, seems aligned to Conservative party, but was intimately related to UK government and IIRC WHO policy making. Public private partnership, and liability thereof.

Governments get pissy when you are too forthright about the hypotheticals of bringing them all to justice. This isn't really a freedom of speech issue, because of questions around solicitation and around prosecution of criminal conspiracy. Private partners are less protected by additional laws, but the reasonable and appropriate laws protecting private parties are enough that I try to be careful to say that death warrants should be first prepared by an appropriate proceeding, and not made up whole cloth by the self appointed executioner.

The law faculty in the US were stupid to be caught on the record making statements that they could as an industry discriminate against factions that they do not care for, and to deny them civil rights under color of law.

In general, the professional managerial class is an embarrassment, that conveys too much the impression that they do not think that they have to win the trust of the public and their customers with the basic credibility of their actions. I tend to thus despair overmuch when it comes to the future prospects for my bread and butter.

The current and future judges and lawyers have a tough row to hoe when it comes to winning back credibility and trust for the formal legal system, for delivering ability to resolve disputes in that way, by means of their actions and choices. I very much do not envy them that.

But, my own row to hoe may be pretty bad, with the way associating with other academic fields has helped our own leadership fuck our credibility, and fuck over the basics of recruiting people to our business, training them, and telling them how to comport themselves in the public eye.

I strongly disagree with some executives in businesses representing 'our' people. However, it is not just entirely just to hold all of them criminally responsible, they were trained well as narrow technical specialists, it is hard to train most people to be very competent as generalist thinkers. They relied on people outside our field to advise them well, and were advised poorly, and to get promoted they had to spend time on delivering stuff instead of on rethinking everything they thought they 'knew'.

Any people that we convict criminally, on capital charges, must be convicted on pre-existing law, and this means that the prosecution must demonstrate the guilty or evil mind. This is one of my asks, as an American. But, the wider conversation, world wide, is not only about Americans, and these requirements may only be as fundamental for Americans.

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Thompson was from a very small town in Iowa, graduated from the local high school and then went to the University of Iowa. His father worked at the grain elevator. Worked his way up through the company. Clearly the kind of upper class scum deserving to be gunned down in the street.

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1. As I said in various places including the subheading, I don't think he was a good example


2. His origins don't matter. He was clearly a member of the PMC

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The problem with telling anecdotes about UHC is that in an institution that large, with that many people, the most perfect paragon of a CEO could not prevent all bad things from happening.

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I have to admit, I'm not down with assassinating CEOs. Such, in my opinion, is not only crude, rude and unmannerly, it's also ineffective and counterproductive. There are always ten more in line where that one came from.

The real problem, as I see it, we're all living in a fascist/socialist/totalitarian, whatever you want to call it world these days. Adam Smith's invisible hand is crushed 'neath the iron boots of our duly appointed governors, be they CEOs, deans, media magnates, presidents or local aldermen.

In sixty some years I've gone from leaning socialist ("If you’re not a socialist before you’re twenty-five, you have no heart;") to conservative (" if you are a socialist after twenty-five, you have no head.") to piratical anarcho-capitalist (If you're not a pirate after seventy five, you have no future.).

I don't view anarcho-capitalism as a replacement for fascist/socialist/totalitarian, or whatever but as a parallel, in the cracks system.

For example legal immigrants from the Orient, Vietnamese if I remember right, found it problematic getting business loans from U.S. banks. They subsequently formed local associations wherein successful, profitable Vietnamese businesses would band together loaning startup funds to newcomers who would, when successful pay back their loans, band together and etc.

Now I must allow that setting up a parallel, piratical health insurance system, for example is not a minor project. However if you get some local doctors, pharmacies, etc. on board early, such just might be possible and far more practical than shooting CEOs.

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What no one seems to understand is that insurance companies do not set policy (especially about what services are covered), plan sponsors do. For almost all Americans this means employers or CMS.

I spent decades representing plan sponsors in fairly large systems. Insurance companies will do what they are told or get terminated. I think a lot of plan sponsors are incompetent and do not adequately consider the interests of plan members.

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