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Noah there says that there is no utopia coming from Trump's secular means, and this is correct, secular means would never cause a utopia.

The unknown is how much stuff the communists have been destroying, and how much can be preserved if they are stopped or at least hindered.

Its reasonably straightforward to understand that a lot of murderous bandits in a country, unchecked, will significantly reduce wealth and standard of living. What is more ambigious, is that communists that are not actively murderous, tend to be similarly destructive in a white collar way. Corrupted information, or perhaps we should talk about fraud.

I have problems with the idea that it would make sense for me to move to Saudi Arabia, from a wealth perspective. Among them, I don't exactly like the idea of the muttawa operating near me. I have similar reservations about BLM.

Make America Great Again simply means that the communists wrecked stuff on purpose, and can be stopped. Talking about foreign policy situations is probably almost completely a misunderstanding.

My sense has been that stock market is enough fraud, non-communist fraud even, that it is not a reliable proxy for anything I care about. Wallstreet bets. Way that story developed, looks like some corrupt insider dealing.

The other metric and officials metrics are likewise a bit LOL.

I have been thinking much more on economic value of machine A versus machine B. tl;dr is that there are three currencies (energy, nutritional calories, and actual currency) that need honest accounting to properly evaluate. Renewables have the major issue that the accounting fraud makes them look like they might really be wealth destruction, and a net waste of energy. If the sources I have for GDP and NASDAQ are also sources that are deliberately ignoring fraud around the pretense of the EV push, then the subject I know about implies I should also discard their claims about the subjects I do not know about.

Anyway, if people intuit that the food prices they experience are more important, they are exactly correct. Or eggzactly.

It can be shown that food is pretty much the center of any sound economic modeling of the economy or of wealth.

We are pretty near the fifty day mark on Trump. I think the budget cuts still have yet to be finalized.

I do not know what the policy changes mean, or will mean. My best guess is something good.

I am still on the model that the good will be after some stress and chaos. But, I have quite lost track of what is happening.

I think that communist destruction can be mitigated, leaving us with more of our actual production gain intact.

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