My comment here is on one of the substack you link to, the one about evaluating whether something is a false flag or not. I read that earlier today and agree with all the author says, based upon my limited knowledge on most of it and more experience in other areas of his post. However, if the two red lines on T’s face are from being grazed by bullets, then those shot were not fired from a roof unless T was up hill of said roof. The author does give the possibility that they are scratches from when he hit the deck. Whatever did happen, there were certainly security lapses.

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Someone pointed out that putting his hand up to the ear and then being slammed to the ground with a bloody finger or two in the vicinity could explain the facial blood

There will definitely be questions about how shooter managed to get where he did and shoto without being stopped.

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Yeah, that could do it too.

I have read several statements by people who I trust, not that I know them personally, who have said that T’s ss detail had been requesting more assets for weeks but had been repeatedly denied. They have flat out refused to provide so protection for Kennedy, so this sounds at least plausible. We’ll have to wait and see.

I am of the belief that they will stop at nothing to prevent T from regaining the Oval Office.“They have got two choices, one is to negotiate and try to minimize the impact”

They cannot do this and they know. Their crimes are too great and numerous. Many will spend the rest of their lives in prison in lieu of avoiding the firing squad or hangman’s noose if T gets back in. That is not vengeance, which he had every right to exact against the swamp before this, that is justice.

“This is almost certainly an Ex Post Facto law, which is absolutely not Constitutional. This is established in Article 1, Section 9, Clause 3 of the Constitution: “No Bill of Attainder or ex post facto Law shall be passed.”” And yet, there are Ex Post Facto laws in the US.

“Since it seems to be directed against one specific person, it may also be a Bill of Attainder, where you punish a specific person or group of people. This is as opposed to laws which apply to everyone, equally.” This too has been done against Trump in the Eugene Carol case. The New York legislature passed a law extending or abolishing the statute of limitations for Trump alone.

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Jul 14Liked by Francis Turner

Not only is his detail lacking in quantity, it is also infected by the quality of DIE:


and the chief of it all were previously responsible for the security of bottles:


According to this retired LEO; the poor cooperation between SS and other security is far from a new issue though.


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The criminals in official authority have now, very probably, added attempted assassination to their rap-sheets. You're quite right they and their cohorts have committed far too many crimes to be negotiated away. They may feel, correctly, that they have no option but to murder their opponents. The situation they are in resembles that of many third-world dictators whose only means of survival is to cling to their official positions no matter what the cost. The cost may be very high unless Americans find a way to remove them peacefully.

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I wrote about the "can't quit" problem a few weeks earlier - https://ombreolivier.substack.com/p/the-problem-with-monarchy-and-democracy?r=7yrqz

Yes it is a problem for many in DC now

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'need to be circling the drain in failed state territory' -- that's where America is now, though most of the populace doesn't yet realize it. Criminals in public office should be calculating their career (and life) prospects under a truly popular 'consent of the governed' type of administration. Perhaps some of them will come forward as whistle-blowers or whatever and give themselves a chance to be part of the rebuilding effort.

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Of course it isn't just the politicians. It's also the bureaucrats and aides.

Who is running the US today? It's not Biden. It's not Commie La Whoreish. It's some mix of white house aides, top democrat pols (possibly retired ones like Obama), the various secretaries of state/defense etc. top bureaucrats and so on.

All of them are in this

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The shooter was seen by numerous people and there is video of him doing a low crawl across the roof to his firing position at the peak - and the shooter was pointed out to local cops who were supposed to provide overwatch. Only one responded, got up onto the roof, the shooter saw him. pointed a rifle at him, and the cop retreated to safety - he gets to collect his pay and pension and gets to live with the knowledge that he could have prevented this. Otherwise, the other cops looked dumbly around and did nothing. No Secret Service were within sight, and at least 180 seconds elapsed. Immediately after the cop was below the roof line, the shooter fired the first of his six or seven rounds, four of which were hits at 148 yards. That's pretty impressive shooting from someone who was refused acceptance to his high school rifle team for "comically bad shooting." three years before.

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Yeah, Sotomeyer's recent dissent was legally unfounded. The loud and inappropriate whining premised on Sotomeyer's dissent was all deeply ill informed.

Basically, that was most charitably people who let pretty much the whole of American history be memory holed in their life, if they don't immediately go 'Lincoln was in theory suppressing an insurrection. Trump is not Lincoln. There is no conclusive evidence of any insurrection, and it is absurd to suppose that Trump necessarily had that element of executive power'. Possibly it was people running their mouths who knew themselves to be guilty of insurrection, but that very much has not been publicly proven, so everyone can just calm down, and resolve to deliberate more.

This was very unsurprising. Both given left patterns of talk, and given the statistical oddities of the spree shooters. (There are fewer plausible conservative shooters, and more trans leftist shooters than you would expect if spree shooters evenly sampled the population. )

For all the left in government likes to push 'better mental health care', they are simply unequipped to improve that situation any. Neither at federal scale through bureaucracy, nor through left theatrics. Mental health is a problem of individuals, and the remedies are more effective with direction at individual scale.

There are political problems here, and other ongoing disputes. Those are maybe tricky.

But the mental health problem is exacerbated by mismanagement at secondary and tertiary schools. We don't have the political capital, yet, to further fix the remaining mismanagement aspects.

There are also some law enforcement things to do, that are undone.

Calm waiting can see a lot of important political changes happen. Arguably, calm and deliberate action, or non-action, is exactly why the path we took to here was not much much worse.

Obama was pretty much pushing his academic trained race war nonsense from before day one. American blacks largely saw Obama, and saw Obama's incitement, and choose to do nothing. So the academic race war nutters have become gradually more desperate, more and more trying to shock people into violence. At perhaps every step of the way for the past sixteen or so years, the communists have been trying to start the second civil war, and it has been fizzling.

This is why some days I am confident that they will lose without any real violence.

Anyway, civil wars suck.

We shall see.

I dunno.

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Interesting and appreciated. As we in America often look tenderly toward conspiracies for answers to grinding problems, it would be comforting to hear more mention of the notion shared by Victor Orban and Robert Fico that if you (the media) shake the tree long enough and hard enough, the 'nuts' will fall out.

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Perhaps both are true -- have the talking-points media spew out violent advocacy nonstop, pick up a volunteer from among the many who are 'triggered', groom him to do something he believes to be heroic, then kill him.

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"However we can quite fairly lay blame for the tension that led to the perpetrator thinking that killing Trump was a good idea."

That ain't the half of it - "A week ago, Joe Biden said that "it's time to put President Trump in a bullseye" ...Perhaps the shooter saw that and acted upon it, took the vile campaign rhetoric for real - and put not only President Trump but also his supporters in a bullseye, and came within a centimeter of killing President Trump. Biden came within a centimeter of initiating a cascade which could have led to a second American civil war. I think it was divine providence which saved us from that." https://streamfortyseven.substack.com/p/intemperate-remarks-in-a-divided

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Nice Image! Is it for sale?

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No idea. Someone posted a version of it on mewe, I stole it fair and square and added the FIGHT caption.

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As noted in your post, leftists have normalized political violence, Soros DA's have refused to prosecute it, and NYTimes and other pundits have advocated assassination of President Trump. So it was only a matter of time until 'someone' tried it on July 13. The circumstances of that effort strongly suggest coordination or control of that 'someone' (the shooter), though so far no 'proof-positive' of such a connection have emerged: https://peterdanielmiller.substack.com/p/proof-positive

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