
Though, I think fear of race riots may be an excuse, not the true motivation.

Insane communists are not the only people who would do it as part of trying to play divide and rule games with people, but some of the parties involved are definitely communists by American ways of reckoning.

I'm not sure I entirely buy the analysis of putting numbers on it. The 33k estimate, I expect would have a traceable effect on overall psychology of the UK population. But, from a distance, such an effect may be plausible.

People who aren't hurting because of women and girls being raped, are perhaps less persuadable that it is a tragedy, and a crime against women, if not enough elite women are being employed in high status position. A feminist sponsored campaign of terror against lower class women directly and middle class women indirectly makes a disturbing amount of sense at the moment, but hopefully that is just being up too late past bedtime.

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It is overused but in this case imagine if gangs of White Brits were gang-raping Pakistani girls and that in response Pakistanis living in the UK rioted. We all know how the narrative would flip.

Clearly for the self-appointed elites in the West, in the U.S., U.K., Canada and elsewhere, the well being of Whites simply isn't a factor. These same people were clamoring to "believe all women" and now they are dismissive when young women, under the age of majority no less, are being gang raped by adult men simply because the racial mix is inconvenient.

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It may be at least as much class as race. #believallmiddleclasswomyns . Working class sluts are working class sluts and you can't trust them because they go out with out boyfriends

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There is definitely a class element to this: if the victims had been middle- to upper-class girls from London rather than lower- to middle-class girls from the Midlands and Yorkshire, I think it's a pretty safe bet that this would have been taken a great deal more seriously.

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I'll be linking to this and quoting a section in a blog post tomorrow. Thanks for posting.

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Each of these young girls has suffered trauma. And for many of them it will result in mental illness and a life spent in torment. But because they are from working class families, this will be the second crisis no one in government will want to acknowledge.

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Let me rephrase that slightly

One in a thousand British women are suffering from mental health issues because of being gang-raped that they are unlikely to ever fully recover from.

Forget (for a moment) their anguish and put it in terms of health care costs.

Britain's failure to prevent these rapes is costing the country millions of pounds a year.

If these women cost the NHS an average of £1000 per year that works out at £35M a year that will have been spent that need not have been. This is probably a low end estimate. £1000/year is about £20/week which is on the cheap side for the likely drug prescription cost and totally ignores the costs of doctors visits, therapy etc. I could easily see this being actually closer to £100M / year.

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